There's Nothing like walking in the FOG everyday!

Welcome to the blog for the Favor of God Ministry. Our ministry started out in 2007 as a daily national conference call for believers from all across the nation. Under God's perfect guidance, Pastor Dawn Conner has been leading this ministry for 5 years. Believers have been calling in every morning @9:30am est/6:30am pst, Sat & Sun @7:30am pst, 712-432-0750, code 486197#. This devotion has given those hungry for the Presence of God an opportunity to start everyday in His Power and His Favor. Everyday the daily favor of God is shared in his daily devotions from the Word of God, followed by the lines being opened for believers to share, fellowship, testify, or submit a prayer request. This daily fellowship has built an incredible community of faith from coast to coast. A weekly Bible class, "The Breaking It Down Bible Show", also takes place every Thurs. night (10pm est/7pm pst) for those desiring to study the Word of God from the comfort of their home. callers are able to call in, participate, ask questions, worship, or just listen and grow. Over these 5 1/2years, we've had callers not only from dozens of states, but from behind prison walls, hospital beds, nursing facilities, and other places around the nation. The hand of God is now leading this incredible ministry on a mobile mission to save as many souls as possible for Jesus Christ. While the daily broadcast will continue, the ministry will now take the church to world, rather than asking the world to come to church; through our "Evening in the Word" ministry; these opportuities allow us to take the worship, learning, preaching, teaching experience right into the intimate atmosphere of beleiver's homes, so that their families can experience the Love of Christ up close and personal! We believe God has given us the extended mission as He did with the national call, to take the worship experience to those who can't get to church; we are overwhelmed by the response to the Gospel in this format as we have witnessed so many lives changed and souls changed right in the "living room" atmosphere! Our desire is fulfill this great mission on our lives for the glory of God; and we won't stop until we win ONE MORE FOR CHRIST!

So come on this journey with us and experience the power of waking up everyday in the FOG (The Favor of God). The FOG family is waiting and praying for you!

Monday, January 30, 2012


We are so excited that we are about to burst thanking God for the privilege of having the nation's PREACHER TO THE PREACHERS on The Daily Favor this Wednesday, February 1, 2012.

You don't want to miss this life changing experience, as God speaks through this anointed pastor.  Pastor Branch has been the Pastor of Third New Hope MBC in Detroit Michigan for 35 years.  Under his anointed leadership, thousands of souls have been saved and countless lives changed.  He has equipped, nurtured, counseled, and sent out hundreds of leaders, ministers, and pastors.  His compassionate preaching, and soul stirring message is founded in his deep abiding love for Christ and the kingdom.

There is preaching, and the there is preaaaaaaaaaching; and Edward L. Branch can preeeeeeaaaaach!
He has been my father in ministry for 29 years! So it is with great honor that I'm looking forward to hosting this great shepherd on The Daily Favor, this Wednesday @9:30am est. 

Invite a friend and tune in: or call in to the FOG conference line- 712-432-0750, code 486197#

What a day this will be!!!!!
Thank You God in advance!!!!!!!!!

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